Offshore Accidents/Jones Act Lawyer

Offshore accidents, injuries or illnesses that occur in maritime settings are protected under the Jones Act, or the Merchant Marine Act of 1920.

This federal legislation is designed to safeguard those working at sea or on watercraft. It covers employment on a vessel or fleet that operates in navigable waters, or waterways that are capable of being used for interstate or foreign commerce. It could also include working on an offshore rig, an inland river vessel, a tugboat or barge, as a commercial diver or in another capacity that is related to the vessel’s purpose or mission. These are high-risk professions, and it’s important to know that workers injured in these circumstances do not file traditional workers compensation claims. Rather, they file their claims under the Jones Act, which recognizes the unique nature of maritime work.

Hazardous conditions exist on rigs and commercial watercraft. If vessels and the equipment on them are not maintained properly, they can cause injury to men and women in midst of performing their jobs.

Examples of injuries include:

  • Chemical exposure burns
  • Back and neck injuries
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Injuries from heavy lifting

Many offshore accidents are high-stakes cases in which a worker with a family is injured, permanently disabled or even killed.  DeJean & Noland Law Office. will develop a focused strategic plan that will ensure you and your family receive the financial compensation you deserve resulting from the neglect of job-site safety practices.

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